Dumpster Fire DEVO - Day 25

Day 25: A Tender Heart  

Mark 6:4-6  

Jesus didn’t have a thin skin, but he did have a tender heart. He didn’t let people’s offenses harden him or make him bitter. Instead, he remained compassionate and continued his ministry. We often feel the need to harden ourselves to protect against offense, but that can lead to bitterness. Jesus models a different way: a thick skin and a tender heart.

As we navigate relationships and daily challenges, let’s strive to keep our hearts tender. Instead of building walls, we can build resilience, allowing us to handle offenses without losing our compassion.

Do you find yourself building walls to protect against being offended? How can you develop a thick skin while keeping a tender heart?

Lord, help me to keep my heart tender even when I face rejection or offense. Teach me to respond with love and compassion, just as you did. Amen.

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