The Way DAY 7 - Jesus' Baptism and Our Baptism

Day 7: Jesus’ Baptism and Our Baptism

Romans 6:4

Why was Jesus baptized?

That question stumps a lot of people. It even stumped John who baptized him! Yesterday we said Jesus was baptized to stand in solidarity with us. It’s another way for Jesus to stand with sinners. It’s also another way to show us that God stands with sinners - with us!

There are two other reasons Jesus was baptized. The first isn’t talked about very much. It sounds too superstitious to many people but the more you think about it, the more it makes sense. Through his baptism, Jesus washes the water that will wash us in baptism. The 4th c. pastor, Maximus of Turin, said this best. Jesus is so pure, so holy, that he purifies the water that washes us when we are baptized. That doesn’t mean he made all water safe for drinking. Jesus effected a spiritual change so that water in baptism spiritually changes us. Jesus makes the water of our baptism special.

There’s one more reason that builds on the previous two. By coming close to us through his baptism, Jesus makes our baptism bring us closer to him.

From day one of the Christian movement, baptism has been the entry point for walking with Jesus. In Matthew 28, Jesus told the apostles to baptize everyone commits to the Way of Jesus. Whether it’s an adult or an infant brought by their Christian parents, baptism says, “I stand with Jesus who stands with me.” It’s a sign of our solidarity with Jesus, but it’s Jesus and his baptism that make this possible. Standing with him matters because he stands with us. Every step we take to get closer to God is only possible because God took the first step to get closer to us. God’s grace empowers us. God’s love arouses our love for God.

Have you been baptized? If so, how would you explain its importance based on this week’s devo reflections? If you’ve not been baptized, what’s holding you back?

Thank you, Jesus, for standing with us in baptism. Thank you for calling us to receive baptism which brings us closer to you. Amen.
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