On the Road Again - DAY 9

Day 9: Compassion in Action

Luke 10:36-37

Jesus concludes the parable by asking, "Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?" The expert in the law responds, "The one who had mercy on him." Jesus then instructs, "Go and do likewise."

Jesus flipped the question and made “neighbor” a verb instead of a noun. Compassion in action is the hallmark of being a true neighbor. It’s not enough to feel pity; we must act on it. The Good Samaritan's example encourages us to make our helping proximate (nearby), personal, practical, and proactive. Whether it’s providing food, offering a listening ear, or giving our time, our actions reflect God’s love to those in need.

What practical steps can you take today to show mercy to someone in need? How can you make compassion a regular part of your life?

Jesus, show me how to live out Your command to "go and do likewise." Help me to act with mercy and compassion in my everyday interactions. Amen.

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