Psalms DAY 25

DAY 25 - The Pursuer

Psalm 23:6

The Lord provides, guides, protects, and honors his people. Last of all, we read that God PURSUES us. “Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.”

God’s goodness and grace chase us down. Right now, today, whether you know it or not, whether you care or not, whether you believe it or not, the Maker of heaven and earth is chasing you, working for you, wooing you home where you belong. 

Now, after I read and prayed through this psalm a few times, a question started nagging at me. At it’s heart, Psalm 23 is a prayer that says, “I trust you, Lord. I trust you.” It’s truly a prayer of faith. This songwriter never asks for anything. Instead, he prays the truth about God back to God. He’s so confident, so trusting, so full of faith, and I wonder: does he pray, “I trust you,” because he’s already experienced God as his good shepherd, or he wants to?

And then I realized, it doesn’t matter. Whether he knows from personal experience what God is like or whether he wants to know, it doesn’t change what he prays. He prays the truth. And as he prays the truth, his faith grows. Remember last week, we said to look at what the psalm is saying and what it’s doing. He’s praying the truth. 

Which leads us to this: The more truth you pray, the more trust you’ll build. 

Pick one line from Psalm 23 and pray it today. Pray the words themselves and use the words to prompt your own words.

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