Psalms DAY 22

DAY 22 - Shepherds Provide

Psalm 23:1-3

“The LORD is my shepherd…”

Shepherding livestock was a common sight in ancient Israel (and still visible there today). If it’s true that the Lord is my shepherd, what exactly does that mean for me? The psalmist sees God as shepherd doing five things.

First, God PROVIDES. V.1-2, “I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul.” That’s a picture of being provided for, having space to breathe and rest. The pasture is both a feeding area and a place to rest for sheep.

God promises to provide what we need. Not everything we want, but all we need. I can honestly look back and see how God has answered my prayer to provide. I remember one time when I was anxious about a big expense due and a big deposit in my account running late. I prayed hard! I needed God to provide. The next day, the funds arrived and the bill was paid.

One of my favorite lines is in Acts 3:19. The apostle Peter was preaching the good news of Jesus. He said, “Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord.” Jesus Christ is the Good Shepherd who provides what we need, especially refreshment.

How have you experienced God as provider? How do you need to experience God as provider?

Lord, you are my shepherd. You provide all I need. Provide for me today and refresh my soul. Amen.

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