On the Road Again - DAY 10

Day 10: Neighbors in Need

Luke 10:25-37

The parable of the Good Samaritan ends with a surprising lesson: neighbors IN need are the neighbors WE need. Our spiritual growth is intertwined with how we treat others. Jesus teaches that by helping those in need, we fulfill the command to love our neighbor as ourselves. Our biggest need is a right relationship with God. We can’t be in right relationship with God if we don’t love God and neighbor. We need neighbors to love!

We often feel overwhelmed by the needs around us, but Jesus doesn't call us to save the world single-handedly. He calls us to be faithful in loving those within our reach. By showing mercy and compassion, we reflect God's love and grow closer to Him.

How does helping others impact your own spiritual journey? In what ways can you make a difference in your community by loving your neighbors in need?

Father, thank You for the opportunity to serve others. Help me to see and respond to the needs around me with love and compassion. Teach me to be a true neighbor, reflecting Your love in all I do. Amen.

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