The Way DAY 12 - Freedom

Day 12: Freedom

Luke 4:14-21

The Way of Jesus is the way of freedom. These are Jesus’ first words of teaching in Luke’s Gospel. They declare his intention to release people from burdens.

More than anything else, Jesus frees us from sin. When you study Jesus’ ministry within the context of the Bible’s big story, it’s obvious that much of the suffering we deal with is caused by human evil. The Bible’s word for human evil is “sin.” Real freedom has to free us from sin. We can see three aspects of our freedom from sin.

First, Jesus frees us from sin’s guilt. Guilt is our responsibility for doing wrong. In Luke 5, Jesus heals a paralyzed man. But first, he forgives his sins. The man’s most obvious need wasn’t his most important need. Sin’s consequences are separation from God and death. You can be guilty without feeling guilty and you can feel guilty without being guilty. Jesus frees us from being guilty.

Second, Jesus frees us from the shame of sin. Shame researcher, Brené Brown says that shame is “the intensely painful feeling or experience of believing that we are flawed and therefore unworthy of love and belonging.” We don’t have to be embarrassed by our failures thanks to Jesus. 

Jesus also frees us from sin’s power. The Holy Spirit gives us power to say “No” to temptation. People on the Way of Jesus are filled with the Holy Spirit. We can say “No” to temptation and break bad habits. The apostle Paul told Timothy, “The Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline” (2 Tim 1:7). The way of Jesus is the way of freedom.

Jesus frees us from sin: sin’s guilt, sin’s shame, and sin’s power. What’s the difference between guilt and shame? What does freedom from sin’s power look like? 

Lord, thank you for freedom from sin. Because of you, I don’t have to be afraid of death. Because of you, I don’t have to be embarrassed because of my failures. Because of you, I can say “No” to temptation. Thank you! Amen.




