On the Road Again - DAY 62

Day 62: Responding to God’s Call

Read: Luke 19:6

Zacchaeus didn’t hesitate when Jesus called him. He quickly climbed down from the tree and welcomed Jesus into his home with joy. This response shows the readiness of Zacchaeus’s heart. He recognized the significance of the moment and acted immediately.

Our response to God’s invitation should be just as swift and joyful. When we sense God calling us to draw nearer to Him, to step out in faith, or to make a change in our lives, we shouldn’t delay. Our willingness to respond shows our trust in God and our desire to experience the transformation He offers.

How quickly do you respond when you sense God calling you? What might be holding you back from responding with the same eagerness as Zacchaeus?

Father, help me to respond quickly and joyfully when You call me. Remove any hesitations or fears that might keep me from following You. Amen.

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