On the Road Again - DAY 57

Day 57: Praying with Humility

Read: Luke 18:9-14

In the second parable, Jesus contrasts two men praying in the temple. One is a Pharisee, confident in his own righteousness, who uses his prayer to boast about his piety. The other is a tax collector, aware of his sin and unworthiness, who simply pleads for God’s mercy. Jesus shocks His audience by declaring that it is the humble tax collector who goes home justified, not the proud Pharisee.

This parable reminds us that our prayers should be rooted in humility. It’s not about how eloquent or impressive our words are, but about recognizing our deep need for God’s mercy. We are all sinners in need of grace, and our prayers should reflect that understanding.

Do you approach God with humility in your prayers? How can you cultivate a heart that acknowledges your need for His mercy?

Father, forgive me for the times I’ve been proud in my prayers. Help me to approach You with humility, recognizing my need for Your grace. Amen.

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