On the Road Again - DAY 51

DAY 51: Seeing What’s Right in Front of You

Read: Luke 17:20-21

The Pharisees asked Jesus when the kingdom of God would come, expecting a grand, visible display. Jesus surprised them by saying, “The kingdom of God is in your midst.” They were so focused on the future that they missed what was happening right in front of them—Jesus himself, the embodiment of God’s kingdom.

How often do we do the same? We get caught up in what we expect God to do tomorrow and miss what He’s doing today. We crave the next big thing and overlook the quiet, steady work of God in our lives now. Jesus challenges us to open our eyes and see the kingdom already at work within and around us.

REFLECT: Are you too focused on what you want God to do in the future that you’re missing what He’s doing today? How can you be more present to God’s work in your life right now?

PRAY: Lord, help me to see Your kingdom at work in my life today. Open my eyes to the ways You are moving, and teach me to be present to Your work. Amen.

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