On the Road Again - DAY 47

Day 47: Seeing the Unseen

Read: Luke 16:20-21

In the parable, Lazarus is depicted as lying at the rich man’s gate, covered in sores and longing for scraps from the rich man’s table. Despite his dire need, the rich man remains oblivious. This part of the story highlights our tendency to overlook those who are suffering right in front of us.

We might not have a beggar at our gate, but we often encounter people in need. Whether it's the homeless person on the street, a struggling friend, or a hurting family member, we are called to see and respond with compassion. Jesus challenges us to remove the blinders of comfort and truly see those who need our help.

Who in your life might you be overlooking? How can you be more intentional about seeing and responding to the needs around you?

Father, open my eyes to see those who are suffering around me. Give me a heart of compassion and the willingness to act. Help me to follow Jesus’ example of mercy and love. Amen.

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