On the Road Again - DAY 44

Day 44: Recognizing Our Own Lostness

Read Luke 15:4-7

In the Parable of the Lost Sheep, Jesus emphasizes the value of each individual. The shepherd leaves the ninety-nine sheep to find the one that is lost, and rejoices when it is found. This parable illustrates how much God values every single one of us.

Sometimes, we might not recognize our own lostness. Whether it’s through rebellion like the younger son or self-righteousness like the older son, we all need to be found by God. Recognizing our lostness is the first step towards experiencing God’s saving grace. It’s a humbling realization that we need God’s guidance and forgiveness in our lives.

In what ways might you be lost without realizing it? How can you open your heart to God’s search for you?

Jesus, help me to recognize my own lostness and to open my heart to Your saving grace. Guide me back to You when I stray. Amen.

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