On the Road Again - DAY 41

Day 41: Are We Lost?

Read Luke 15:1-3
In Luke 15, Jesus addresses being lost through a series of parables, starting with the Parable of the Lost Sheep. The context is set as tax collectors and sinners gather to hear Jesus, while the Pharisees and teachers of the law mutter disapproval. Jesus responds by telling stories about lost things being found, emphasizing God's joy in welcoming back those who have strayed.

Jesus doesn’t mince words about our condition away from God: lost and dead. And yet, Jesus assures us that God actively seeks us out, just as a shepherd searches for a lost sheep. Our Father’s love is relentless, and His desire is for us to come home.

When have you felt lost or distant from God? How did you find your way back? How does knowing God actively seeks you out affect your perspective on His love?

Lord, thank You for seeking me out when I feel lost. Help me to always find my way back to You and to trust in Your unfailing love. Amen.

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