On the Road Again - DAY 33

Day 33: Elevate Others

Read: Luke 14:12-14

Jesus further challenges societal norms by advising us to invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, and the blind to our gatherings, instead of our friends, relatives, or rich neighbors. He says, “You will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.”

Jesus is not against investing in things that repay well. He just doesn’t think we have a big enough view of the future. he also knows we misunderstand what actually helps us get ahead. God’s repayment is the one that matters most, and God repayment is the one that’s best. We’ll see some fruit of God‘s favor now, but ultimately will see it in God‘s new creation.

Who can you elevate in your life who cannot repay you? How can you reflect God’s heart by prioritizing others?

Jesus, help me to elevate others, especially those who cannot repay me. Teach me to reflect Your heart and to prioritize others’ needs. Amen.

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