On the Road Again - DAY 27

Day 27: The Danger of Obsession

Read Luke 13:4-5 

Jesus mentions another tragedy—a tower falling in Siloam, killing eighteen people. He asks, “Do you think they were more guilty than all the others living in Jerusalem? I tell you, no! But unless you repent, you too will all perish.”

The only thing we know about these disasters is that they were disasters. Definitely bad news! Our obsession with bad news can distract us from our own need for repentance and growth. Jesus calls us to look inward and address our spiritual state instead of getting caught up in the misfortunes of others.

How much time do you spend consuming bad news? How does it affect your spiritual life? What steps can you take to focus more on your own growth?

Father, help me to avoid obsession with bad news. Teach me to focus on my own spiritual growth and to seek Your guidance in my life. Amen.

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