JAMES DAY 28 - Fight, Fight, Fight

DAY 28
James 4:1-3

“Fight! Fight! Fight!”

It was pretty rare for me to hear that schoolyard chant as a kid, but it happened! More serious fights happen all the time: Ukraine, Israel, or school shootings in the U.S. 

Why do we fight? As chapter four opens, James says the fight outside comes from the fight inside. Our inner turmoil spills over into our relationships with others. We fight with each other when the selfish way wins. Striving within becomes striving without. Verses two and three could describe a big part of human history: you have, I want, I take. 

But don’t think James is only talking about people smashing each other with swords for land or gold. Aren’t there other kinds of striving that are more socially acceptable? Striving to be the most popular in class, striving to make our kids more successful by pushing them into more and more activities, striving to have a yard nicer than our neighbors, striving for more money or a better job. Our discontent inside pops up in all kinds of ways outside ourselves.

Did you notice something else in v.2-3? “Me first!” not only makes us fight, it also poisons my relationship with God. Hunger to get more for me becomes pride. I won’t ask God for what I want or trust God to give. I’m independent! So I take it for myself. Or maybe I do pray, but I don’t get what I want because I “ask with wrong motives.” I just want to use something on myself.

We’ll have a hard time being happy if we’re always fighting with people.

When have you experienced your own selfishness causing conflict?

Lord, I’m sorry for the fights I’ve started because of my selfishness. Forgive me. Show me if there are any conflicts I need to repent of and work on. Amen.
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