JAMES DAY 8 - Free to Listen

Proverbs 18:13

My friend recently moved to Florida to pastor a church with a strong recovery ministry. Many of his churchgoers have messy lives because of substance abuse. On his very first Sunday, my friend broke up a fist-fight in the church parking lot.

To his surprise, he later he saw one of the fighters sitting down in the church with one of his church members. The fighter was deaf and had gotten into it, in part, because nobody was taking time to listen to him. My friend’s church member sat patiently taking notes, listening to what this man wanted so badly to express.

Listening is an act of love. Deep listening, active listening, “everything is tuned out but you” listening. Some of our church family took The Difference Course earlier this year and were challenged to “be curious” and “be present.” We were challenged to tune out distractions and listen carefully to other people share their stories.

According to a Barna Group survey, “The top thing people look for in a conversation with a Christian is that they ‘listen without judgment.’” Christians have a stereotype for preaching more than listening and judging more than caring.

James wants us to turn that upside down. Yes, we have good news to tell but we should be “the People Who Listen.” When we check our anger and angry words, suddenly we’re free to listen. Faith that works loves louder than words. Listening often loves loudest of all.

How well would people who spend the most time with you say you listen?

Lord, help me to listen. In these next few minutes, I sit quietly, listening to you…
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