JAMES DAY 7 - Maintain the Main Thing

James 1:21

Don’t miss the forest for the trees.

This old saying warns us about narrowing our focus so much that we miss surrounding details. Imagine studying the bark on one tree to learn everything you can about the tree but never noticing it stands in a vast forest. You’ve missed the big picture!

In verse 19-21, James helps us think about the big picture - the forest of the Christian life. Anger obsesses over one wrong thing. Anger wants to make it right. But part of making things right in the world is realizing that God’s way of making things right is always better than my way.

You know this if you’ve put your trust in Jesus Christ because the Christian life begins by admitting this is true. That’s the bigger picture just outside the frame of our anger. James reminds us of the big picture when he talks about “the righteous life God desires” or when he says in verse 21 “to get rid of all moral filth and evil and humbly accept the word that was planted in you.”

That’s what you did when you became a Christian! You turned away from evil and turned toward the gospel. When you said “Yes” to Jesus, you said, “God, your way is better than my way.” James is telling us to keep the main thing the main thing, or to maintain the main thing.

So you’re angry? Remember the big picture, remember God’s purpose for you and for the world. Don’t get lost in the details. Ask yourself: is my anger about this going to make me more mature? Is my anger really going to fix the problem?

Often the answer is, “No.” Momentary flashes of frustration, annoyance, and anger are normal. But they should not be defining characteristics of our life. That should be more and more true the longer we walk with Jesus. We can get our anger and our angry words under control if we maintain the main thing.

Do you lose focus on the big picture when angry? If so, how do you escape that tunnel vision to remember God’s bigger purpose?

Lord, I’m sorry for losing sight of your purpose when I’m angry. I reject all moral filth and evil. I humbly accept your word planted in me. Save me from myself. Amen.
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