Revelation Day 49 - Get Out

DAY 49
Get Out!
Revelation 18:4-8

Let’s review.

Babylon is a powerful spiritual force that infects big groups just as much as individuals. Babylon is powerful and seductive. Babylon is arrogant, hostile, predatory, and idolatrous. Babylon has appeared many times throughout history and is on the prowl today.

So what do we do when we're stuck in Babylon? What do we do when Babylon tries to seduce us away from Jesus?

Revelation 18:4 says, "Come out of her, my people!" Run away, find the exit ramp, get out! Pastor John’s message is simple: Breakup with Babylon. You can get in by choice or by chance, but the only way out is by choice.

Breakup with Babylon does not mean to physically pick up and move away from places or people groups compromised by evil. Sometimes that might be the case. For our own good, we might need to escape temptation triggers until they no longer trigger us to sin.

But more often than not, God calls his people to be IN Babylon but not OF Babylon. You might’ve heard that phrase: “in it, not of it.” God’s people are all the over the world. We can’t escape sin this side of eternity. There’s no perfect place to escape to. If there were, it would stop being perfect once we arrived!

Christians must resist Babylon’s seductive compromises and show a better way to people under its influence. In other words, we refuse the corrosive parts of culture while witnessing through our lives that another way to live is possible. That’s what it means to “come out” of Babylon.

When was the last time you can remember not doing something because of your faith in Christ that many people in your culture would be ok with? What happened?

Lord, help me to get out Babylon - and get Babylon out of me! Amen.
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