Revelation 23 - They Still Did Not Repent

DAY 23
They Still Did Not Repent
Revelation 9:17-21

Why does God allow the suffering shown in Revelation 8-9?

We can’t know the full mind of God, but we’re allowed to know enough to trust God and God’s goodness. Article V of the United Methodist Church’s Articles of Religion says, “The Holy Scripture containeth all things necessary to salvation.” In other words, the Bible gives us enough insight about God and life to be saved. 

That’s an important reminder as we read Revelation 9. Like the sufferings described by John, his words have a life-saving role for us. He says in v.20, “The rest of mankind who were not killed by these plagues still did not repent of the work of their hands...”
The goal of judgment is repentance. God wants to correct people, not punish people. God wants reform, not revenge. Physical pain often alerts us that something is wrong - we’ve touched something hot or there’s a sickness in our bodies that needs treated. In a similar way, God uses suffering to urge us to repent.
Now you might ask, “But isn’t this severe discipline?” Honestly, I don’t know. I don’t know how someone corrects a whole population of people. I doubt myself all the time on correcting even one of my kids! How do you do it? Is this punishment too much? Not enough? What about when you’re in charge of a group of children who need reigned in? What about unruly teenagers? How do you correct a group of adults? Or a whole culture or a nation? What’s the balance between severity and gentleness?

It’s fine to ask tough questions about parts of the Bible like Revelation 8 and 9, but just know that we won’t ever answer all the questions. In this case, there’s a lot I don’t know about how to run the world, including how to get people back on track to doing good. God seems to use all the tools on the table to help us. I’ll just have to trust God to be God, to do the work I’m not qualified to do, and focus on what I can control. 
What can I control? My actions. In light of this passage today, I have to ask myself: am I responsive to God’s correction? Or am I like the people of Rev 9:20 who refused to repent? 

When has something painful caused you to change course or get help?

Lord, I don’t want to be like these people who would not repent of sin. Help me to hear your voice clearly and respond quickly. Amen.

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