"The only thing that counts
is faith expressing itself through love.”
Galatians 5:6

Faith in Action (FIA) are opportunities for all of Quest Church to serve the CU community together. Our next FIA opportunity is April 7-13, with a special focus on The Festival of Quilts at Cunningham Children’s Home.
Our goal is every Quester serving at least ONE HOUR in the community.

Multiple opportunities during the Festival of Quilts (April 12-13) are available. You can also “Choose Your Own Adventure” by selecting an alternative way of serving.
Cunningham provides residential treatment, special education and community based services. Cunningham also has a historic connection to Quest’s denomination, the United Methodist Church. Sign up directly with Cunningham HERE.
Click HERE if you plan to volunteer with a Choose Your Own Adventure opportunity.

Click HERE to volunteer with Cunningham Festival of Quilts

Click HERE if you volunteer elsewhere.
See more options below. 

Jen with Cunningham Children's Home shares about the work they do and how you get can involved with the Festival of Quilts